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We’ve trawled the internet to find a wealth of resources, courses, videos and links to help you on your adoption journey..


Meeting the needs of adopted children – A guide for parents and carers of children in education in England

This booklet covers essential information on education in England from early years to the end of secondary school, including several case studies and guidance on effective uses of Pupil Premium Plus.


Priority School Admissions

In England, children who were adopted from care in the UK or overseas have priority access to school places during the normal admissions round for primary or secondary school. This short guide to the School Admissions Code explains how priority admissions work in practice.


Choosing your child’s school

This article looks at some of the questions you might ask when looking at new schools for your adopted child.


Welcoming an adopted child

This series of leaflets is ideal for printing out and passing on to education professionals working with adopted children. The simple two-page guides explain what adoption is, introduce the fundamentals of the impact of early life trauma, and suggest some helpful strategies to help children get off to the best start.


Primary School

Secondary School

Trauma in the school setting

This five-minute video is about the importance of understanding adopted children and their needs in the education environment. The video was funded by the Welsh Government as part of an ongoing programme of work to raise the attainment of adopted children in school in Wales but is relevant across the UK.


Trauma in the classroom: Learning lessons for neglected and abused children

Featuring author Louise Bomber as well as interviews with adopted young people and adoptive parents, this powerful five-minute video explores the difficulties that adopted children may encounter in an educational setting as a result of the separation, loss and trauma that they have experienced in their early lives.


After School Restraint Collapse

If your child seems ‘fine’ all day in school but often melts down after the end of the school day, they may be experiencing ‘after-school restraint collapse’. This blog explains more about the phenomenon and offers some strategies and tips for supporting a smoother transition at the end of the day.


Behaviour at school – printable case studies

These seven print-outs feature the common behavioural challenges faced by some adopted children. Each study describes the challenge, explores the reasons behind it and suggests a range of strategies for schools to try. Topics covered include executive function, toxic stress, hypervigilance and sensory processing.


The Consequences of Consequences blog

These two articles featuring extracts from ‘The Trauma and Attachment Aware Classroom’ by Rebecca Brooks explain why systems of escalating consequences common in many schools so often fail to meet the mark for children with a history or trauma, neglect and loss.

Part 1

Part II


Confiscation: the unintended consequences for care-experienced children blog

This short article explores why confiscating items from children who are care-experienced can result in surprising and unintended consequences and suggests alternatives.

Read it


What is a Virtual School Head and what can you expect from them?

All local authorities in England must appoint an officer with the responsibility of overseeing the education of looked after and previously looked after children in their area. These officers are called ‘Virtual School Heads’ (VSH) and may work as part of the ‘Virtual School’ team.

Read the guide


Thinking about home-schooling?

Then read this fabulous guide to get you started.

Read the guide


Is your child getting enough, tips on how to help them sleep and more, check out our handy advice sheets

Antenatal, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-5 years


Our FASD factsheets have been written by the FASD Hub Team, using their personal and professional knowledge of FASD to build a comprehensive bank of factsheets for caregivers and professionals. New factsheets are regularly added, so if you can’t find what you want, call our helpline and we will be able to help. Use the buttons below to navigate through this page and find the factsheet you are looking for:

What is FASD?

Thinking about diagnosis of FASD

FASD guide for prospective adopters

FASD and sight

FASD and sleep

Common strengths of learners with FASD

FASD Education factsheet 2: Starting a new school or Early Learning centre, or managing the transition between home and school can be challenging for some children and young people with FASD. This factsheet shares some top tips for a smoother transition.

Transition tips for caregivers

FASD Education factsheet 3: A well planned transition to a new education setting can make a big difference. This factsheet contains information about the processes of transition and how you can work with your child’s school to plan a positive move.

Education transitions – starting a new school or ELC

FASD Education factsheet 4: How can school staff help learners with FASD succeed? This factsheet contain bitesize tips for educators to support the needs of learners with FASD

Flexible FASD support strategies for education staff

FASD Education factsheet 5: Parents often ask us how they can access support in education for their children. This factsheet describes the policy and legal context in England for accessing additional support in education, alongside advice on how to ask for support.

Additional support in education

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