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National Adoption Week 2022

National Adoption Week 2022


Finding adopters for children who have waited the longest is the key objective for us as we mark National Adoption Week.

We hope to use this week to encourage those considering adoption to ‘stretch their thinking’ and consider sibling groups, children aged 3 plus and children with additional needs.

Ethan (8) and Evie (4) are two of the children who have been waiting the longest.  This sweet little brother and sister are hoping for a new family that would enable them to live happily together forever. Ethan’s foster carer describes him as

“Quite simply the kindest and most gentle 8 year old you could wish to meet.  He has a cute smile that lights up the room and is a bright and clever little boy who could completely excel with the right support around him.”

His little sister Evie has the biggest brown eyes, adorable ringlets and loves ballet and cuddles. She also loves to fetch things for people and revels in the praise she gets for being so helpful.

Marketing Officer Alex McGuire explained. We’re doing everything we can to find families for children like Ethan and Evie.  When you adopt through Family Adoption Links we gently guide you through a comprehensive application and assessment process. This coupled with the free training that we offer ensures our adopters feel confident and well-prepared for their new family.

We would urge anyone thinking of adoption to come along to one of our free and virtual You Can Adopt Information Events. The next one is on November 1st at 6.30pm. Book your place here.


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