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Join us at our Adoption Information Event on 6/8/24

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Education support


We want to help our adopted children thrive in all aspects of their life and ensuring that you and they are aware of all the educational support that is available is an important part of what we do.

As part of the Adoption Passport, all adoptive children are entitled to the following:

  • If your child is 2, they can enjoy a free Early Years education place.  Find out more.
  • When they are aged 3-4, their Early Years education provider can access the Early Years Pupil Premium Support which is an additional £302 of funding per year which can be used to enhance your child’s learning.
  • When it’s time to go to school, you’ll be pleased to know that you get priority access meaning your child should be able to attend whichever school best meets their needs. Guidance to school admission authorities can be found here.
  • Once they are in the school of their choice, every adopted child (Reception to Year 11) gets a Pupil Premium  of £2,345. This is additional education funding to help meet their needs. Whilst this money is not ring-fenced to their sole needs, it must be evidenced that the money is used to support the right children in the school. Find out more.
The Virtual School

Virtual Schools are an important asset for adoptive parents to know about because of the enhanced opportunities and support they can provide.

The Virtual School acts as a local authority champion to promote the progress and educational attainment of children and young people who are or who have been in care. The school does not exist in real terms, or as a building and children do not attend it (they remain the responsibility of the school at which they are enrolled) but the Virtual School is designed to enable them to achieve educational outcomes comparable to their peers knowing that receiving a high quality education is the foundation for improving their lives.

Here are the links to our Virtual Schools…

The Education Passport

The Education Passport is a communication tool designed to be parent-led, enabling you to facilitate communication between home and school, with specific focus on the following;

  • Ensuring that there is a focus on children / young people’s needs, based on a sound understanding, of how their life experiences may have impacted on their development and functioning.
  • To give children / young people and their parents / guardians a tool they can use in school to ensure that there is a clear plan around any support needs.
  • For school and home to have a tool that promotes partnership working with the shared goal being to help the child / young person to see education as something that is a positive environment and can be something to enjoy.

Request your copy of the Education Passport