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If you’re from the LGBTQ+ community and considering adoption you’ll enjoy listening to this insightful interview with Andy and Alex who adopted their daughter 18 months ago.
As a mixed race, gay couple, they talk about their journey to parenthood and encourage people in a similar situation to go for it.
In the chat we ask them…
– When did you decide you wanted to adopt?
– How did you start the process?
– How did you find the process?
– What was the matching process like?
– What criteria did you have when looking for your child?
– What did you do in the first few weeks?
– How did you find taking the introductions slowly?
– What was the reaction from your friends and family?
– How long have you had your daughter home?
– How were the first few weeks?
– What have the highlights been so far?
– How is family life?
– Do you have friends in the community who have adopted/want to adopt having seen you go through the process?
– What advice would you give to fellow LGBTQ+ people thinking of adoption?
– Do you have any hints and tips?
– Is there anything else you would like people to know?