Read the 27 'S' and help your adoptive child flourish.
Dr Dan Hughes is one of the world’s most eminent child pyschologists and specialises in working with children and young people who have difficulty establishing and maintaining good relationships because of the trauma, abuse and neglect they have experienced. We love this piece of work he has done called the 27 S’ of Attachment-Focused Parenting. It’s two simple lists on what to do and not do. Why not take a look?
Safety – Presence, predictability, PACE
Structure – A gift, not a punishment, not rigid, reduces transition stress, “free time” is “anxiety time”
Supervision – A gift, not a punishment, a relaxed and aware presence
Success – Does not learn from mistakes; needs expectations to developmental age; shame associated with mistakes
Self-Care – The parents’ need for relationships, advocacy, services, successes, breaks; care for self if only to better care for child
Soothing – Gentle, gradual persistence, vicarious through stuffed animal; sooth with eyes, voice, touch when safe for child
Smiling – A positive attitude within home—the emotional atmosphere
Storytelling – A manner of relating without lecture and reasoning. Having a rhythmic, modulated voice. ‘Sing-song’ quality when comforting
Seeking-meaning – What does the behaviour mean? Make sense of it first before considering what to do
Sense of humour – To generate hope, maintaining perspective, being close with children who are frightened by signs of affection
Sensory integration – Associated with development of attachment in infancy, can facilitate attachment and can be developed with SI activities
Stretching – Being prepared to expand one’s parental skills, interventions, to meet the unique needs of this child
Sorry – Modelling repairing the relationship after making a mistake; accepting responsibility for one’s actions
Sleep – Crucial for functioning of all, Unique bedtime routines need to be created and protected. Traumatized children often have poor sleep for many reasons
Soup – A healthy comfort food. Food is both an emotional and physical confirmation of good care
Special – Your child has a special place in your mind and heart; and knows it
Stamina – Persistence, fortitude, in it for the duration, seeing the distant horizon
Scaffolding – Accepting your child where he is in the present; being ready to help him with his next developmental step
Shame – Source of denial, opposition, rage, inability to trust and resolve trauma
Stimulation – Overstimulated by many routine, interesting, exciting events which then leads to dysregulated emotion, thinking, and behaviour
Shouting – Habitual misbehaviours often lead to habitual anger, shouting, and negative emotional atmosphere. Necessary anger needs to be an “I-message” that is clear and brief and is immediately followed by repair; only used for major behavioural problems
“Should” – Advice from others to raise the child based on his chronological age
Sarcasm – Often a substitute for anger, which can be just as destructive
Seclusion – Isolation triggers abandonment. Prevents co-regulation of affect
Smacking – Likely to re-traumatise and prevent attachment
Secrets – Events from the past are shameful and frightening and met with avoidance and denial
Shunning – Cold shoulder, ignore, ostracize
©Dan Hughes, 27 S’ of Attachment-Focused Parenting