Books are a brilliant way of gently exploring feelings and emotions. Our Social Workers love these themed, colour-illustrated therapeutic storybooks by Margot Sutherland
- The Day the Sea Went Out – Grief & loss
- Ruby & the Rubbish Bin – Self-esteem
- How Hattie Hated Kindness – Anger & rage
- Teenie Weenie in a Too Big World – Fear
- A Nifflenoo Called Nevermind – Bottling up feelings
- A Pea Called Mildred – Pursuing hopes & dreams
- Willy & the Wobbly House – Anxiety & obsessional behaviour
- A Wibble Called Bipley – Children who bully or who are bullied
- The Frog who Longed for the Moon – Yearning for a loved person
- Monica Plum’s Problem – Children who carry their parent’s worries
- Smasher – Adolescents who are angry & feel alienated