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Education Passport- Coming soon…

We all know that what a child experiences during their education journey contributes significantly to shaping who they become as a person. Education can help to inspire them; give them ambitions for the future and consolidate their sense of worth and resilience. However, we also know that for many adopted children education can be a difficult journey to navigate. Families report a wide range of issues from how transitions are managed to how their children struggle to attend because they cannot work out how to manage the relationship dynamics within school.

That’s why it’s important that support is in place and that those supporting children understand their needs and the impact that their early life experiences will have had on them. What everyone agrees on is that good and effective communication is key and that it is communication that makes one of the biggest differences to their children’s experience of education.

In September 2023 we will be launching a regional Education Passport. This is a communication tool designed to be parent-led, enabling them to facilitate communication between home and school, with specific focus on the following;

  • Ensuring that there is a focus on children / young people’s needs, based on a sound understanding, of how their life experiences may have impacted on their development and functioning.
  • To give children / young people and their parents / guardians a tool they can use in school to ensure that there is a clear plan around any support needs.
  • For school and home to have a tool that promotes partnership working with the shared goal being to help the child / young person to see education as something that is a positive environment and can be something to enjoy

We are holding 2 workshops in September 2023 to introduce the Education Passport. To book, simply click the link below to access our Training Hub.

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