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Callum (1)

Callum is an adorable, smiley, happy little boy who is thriving with his foster family and meeting all of his developmental milestones. His foster carers describe him as a ‘loveable, sweet natured, affectionate little boy who loves cuddles!’. Callum has beautiful curly brown hair which is now long enough to tie up at the back!! He also has gorgeous big brown eyes and the most adorable giggle and infectious smile.

Callum is a sociable little boy who loves the company of others. He really enjoys playing and interacting with other children and he is thriving in a happy, busy household. Callum also loves to turn the pages of books, looking at the pictures and listening to the stories. He really enjoys being read to by the older children in his foster family.

Callum’s most favourite activity is listening to music. He especially likes soft and calm flute and piano classical music. He loves to dance and will tap his fingers and toes along rhythmically to different nursery rhymes and tunes.

In addition, Callum and his foster family enjoy spending time outdoors in the fresh air. He loves to see nature in action, watching birds and looking at the trees in his garden. Having fun playing with leaves and twigs and generally exploring his outdoor environment is one of his favourite past times. Callum likes toys with lights and sounds and he will also watch cartoons on television.

Callum is very active and his gross motor skills are well developed – he loves to run, climb and go swimming! His fine motor skills are also good and he enjoys scribbling, drawing pictures and playing with small toys with buttons and dials!

Callum’s foster family adore him and say he is ‘an absolute joy to care for and he is very much loved in our household’.

What kind of family does Callum need?

We’re looking for a loving couple who are keen to parent therapeutically. Additionally, we would be keen to hear from families who reflect Callum’s white British maternal heritage and his white and mixed paternal heritage.

To find out more, please contact Family Adoption Links Leicester.

Please note that whilst this video is representative of Callum, it is a stock video and his name has been changed to protect his identity.

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