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Caitlyn (18 months)

Caitlyn is full of curiosity and a bundle of activity. She enjoys being the centre of attention and is the apple of everyone’s eye in her foster family.

She’s a confident and a bright little girl who loves to work things out for herself, from opening and closing things to how her toys work.

Caitlyn thrives in the fresh air and loves being outside and going to the park where she can play to her heart’s content, she also likes to sing and dance, especially when it involves action rhymes like the Hokey Cokey or Wind the Bobbin. Caitlyn also loves looking at books, particularly ones with textures that she can feel with her little fingers.. Caitlyn’s favourite song is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and she will clap and dance along to this. She also enjoys swimming sessions, going to farms, countryside walks and soft play.

Caitlyn walks confidently, can step over objects, and climb stairs while holding her foster carer’s hand. She’s also got good fine motor skills and likes to turn the pages of a book (and choose her favourite one) and even makes pretend cups of tea with a spoon!

Caitlyn is an active little girl and loves going to playgroups with her foster carer such as Learning through Play and Music Fun, where they have lots of fun together and where Caitlyn can practice her clapping and show off her dancing!

Caitlyn has formed a lovely bond with her foster carer and will seek her out for reassurance and comfort. Although Caitlyn likes to be around other children, she’s being encouraged to play with them and leave her foster carers side a bit more.

Caitlyn enjoys playing and exploring her environment but prefers to have her foster carer by her side and finds it difficult to regulate when her foster carer’s attention is shared, she will cry until she is picked up and sometimes these episodes can last for prolonged periods of time, needing lots of reassurance and distraction from her foster carer to settle her down.

Whilst Caitlyn will become unsettled with transitions and separation from her foster carer; she is making strides with each day and with recently starting nursery and respite care, she is slowly adapting and finding comfort in new environments. With predictable routines and care, Caitlyn is likely to manage changes more easily.

Caitlyn has recently started to attend nursery, she does become upset when leaving her foster carer, however she is starting to form a good relationship with her key worker which is helping her to settle down and enjoy her time there.

Caitlyn is not currently using any words but makes different sounds which she copies from watching TV. The Health Visitor has said this is not unusual for a child of Caitlyn’s age and she’ll keep this under review.

What kind of family does she need?

We’re looking for a two-parent family or a single adopter with a good support network who can offer Caitlyn lots of time, close supervision and nurture. Caitlyn is used to being around other children, so families with existing children will be considered, providing that she will be the youngest in the household.

If you’d like to find out more about Caitlyn, please contact Family Adoption Links Leicester.

Please be aware that whilst the image is representative of her appearance, it is a stock photo and her name has also been altered to safeguard her identity.



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