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Arthur (1)

Meet music lover Arthur who loves nothing more than being sung to especially when he can join in with the actions to the nursery rhymes. Some of his favourite toys are musical too.  He’s such a happy and calm little boy who babbles away to himself and rarely cries without a reason.

Cuddles and kisses are another of his favourite things and he is so affectionate, if you’re one for snuggling on the sofa, Arthur is your guy. He loves faces and will grab your cheeks so he can get a good look at you, he also really likes to look at himself in the mirror! Tickles have Arthur in raptures and he also enjoys sensory play. Then when he’s ready for some quiet time, he enjoys nothing better than sitting on his foster carers knee for ages reading stories and looking at books, especially those with pictures of animals or children.

Arthur is a little social butterfly who loves to spend time with other children, he squeals with delight and giggles when he sees them if he’s walking in his pushchair.

Like lots of children, Arthur loves to be outside in nature watching his foster carer put the washing out whilst looking around at the trees and the birds, he finds it very peaceful. His foster carers often take him to the woods where he gets really excited to see dogs and other children.

Arthur absolutely loves food and there is nothing that he doesn’t like or won’t eat! Mealtimes are his favourite parts of the day and he’s brilliant at feeding himself with his hands.

Little Arthur is significantly delayed with regards to his gross motor skills and his fine motor skills so we’d love to speak to adopters who could promote his development in this area, such as providing him with floor time and taking on board advice from the health visitor. It’s important to note that Arthur is making really good progress within his foster placement and is now able to weight bear for a few minutes at a time, he can also roll both ways, is pivoting and almost crawling. He’s very proud that he can get himself from lying to sitting by himself.

He’s meeting some expected developmental milestones for his age, and his skills will be developed further with frequent opportunities for adult-initiated play. Increased floor play will enable Arthur to develop his physical skills and become more mobile. Arthur is doing more actions to songs and using Makaton consistently; he uses the signs for home, bird, milk, more, elephant and airplane.

We’re looking for adopters who can love, cherish and support Arthur and can handle the uncertainties in his development that may arise because of his heritage and background. We’re looking for someone who can advocate for him when working with health professionals and help him develop by following guidance and initiating activities.

If you think you could be that person, please contact Family Adoption Links Leicestershire.

Please note that whilst this image is representative of Arthur, it is a stock shot and his name is a pseudonym to protect his identity,

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