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Signs your child maybe struggling at school

Adopted children can find school tricky and although a few are happy to verbalise how they are feeling some don't even realise they are struggling as being anxious can be a normalised and familiar feeling because of their experiences prior to adoption.

Small child playing with balloons

Here’s some signs for you to watch out for…

  • Exhibiting difficult and challenging behaviours in school. This could be anything from running away from school and missing certain lessons, struggling with peer relationships, arguing and fighting with other pupils or teachers behaviour which is deliberately disruptive in order to be thrown out of lessons or placed in isolation which often means quieter environments with fewer pupils
  • A dislike of talking about school
  • Challenges over completing homework or sometimes refusing
  • Saying they are unwell or finding other reasons to not go to school
  • Being quiet and withdrawn
  • Seeking out regular reassurance and opportunities to be near to and speak with a teacher or teaching assistant
  • Becoming easily distressed by things that wouldn’t normally upset your child
How you can help…

There are many ways that you can help, from listening and empathising to talking to the teachers and your adoption support worker. Why not start by checking out these handy links…

Adoptable's School Toolkit
First4Adoption's Education Section

Adoption UK

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