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New Years’ resolutions for you and your family

Who doesn’t love a New Year’s resolution to give you focus and an objective for the year ahead. Here’s some brilliant ideas from the Family Adoption Links team.

Build Theraplay into your days
If you want to develop an even deeper and stronger relationship with your child, top of your resolution list should be to read this fantastic Theraplay booklet that is packed full of ideas, games and activities. From nurturing activities like the Twinkle song to challenge activities like thumb wrestling, your child will feel that you understand them, love to be with them and they’re not alone.

Download the booklet


Practice self-care
All good things start with you so make sure you are strong, healthy and well-balanced to help your family to flourish.

Begin with your mind and these fabulous daily meditations.

Download meditations


Get moving…
Have your heard of ‘Runner’s High’? The amazing feeling you get when you’ve been pumping the pavements? Sign up for couch to 5k today for the fastest way to feel strong and get the endorphins racing.

Download the Couch to 5K app


Nourish yourself
Processed foods, too much fat and sugar makes your body sluggish, affects your hormones and prevents you from achieving your potential. Commit to filling your body with the right fuel, here’s a reminder of what it needs.


Take vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential to keep your teeth, bones and muscles in tip top condition. Did you know that from September to March the government encourages everyone to take a vitamin D supplement so don’t forget to pop a bottle of them in your basket next time you shop.

Order tour vitamin D today


Fill your mind with positivity before you sleep
It’s brilliant for your brain to reflect on the things you are grateful for before you hit the hay. Pop a diary or a notepad beside your bed and write down three things that you’re thankful for, filling yourself with positive thoughts before bedtime.

Why a gratitude journal will change your life

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